Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What is a friend for you?

What is a friend? Is it forever or just a day? Can you have friendships with those older or younger than yourself? Are friendships worth it? What do you get out of your friendships? Do you have any?

friends who have helped me a lot to promote Aeroexpo ITB 2010 

Maybe you can check it out,what are friend is>

  1. Is this person so hideously unattractive that you would never ever ever want to sleep with him/her ever.....ever...urrgghh...ever.
  2. Does this person leave their cash card and bank details carelessly lying around so that anyone with intimate access could easily retrieve funds on a regular unnoticed basis.
  3. Can you beat this person up, if they were to oh I don't know accuse you falsely of misappropriation of funds.
  4. Do they have an attractive girlfriend/boyfriend that would make an excellent post pub fall back option.
  5. Do they have an easy going nature and low self esteem that could be easily bended into something altogether more useful to someone looking for a fall guy to take the rap when the dog doo hits the legal fan.

1 comment:

ayuerlinda said...

hadoooh puyeng, males buka kamus aku.

in my imagination, friendship is like rainbow. there are seven colours describe 7 feelings (sebenernya lebih dari 7 juga sih. hhe)
merah: love
jingga: happiness
kuning: truth
hijau: faith
biru: sadness
nila: caring
ungu: secrets

ahahaaaaaa hanya ingin menyampaikan apa yang aku bayangin aja. i do love my friend so! :D